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parti Teapot
Image d'une salle de l'espace dan tian

Privatize the place

Location de cabinet à Paris pour thérapeutes professionnels

Shooting photo
Pop-up store
Ateliers, etc

parti Teapot
image d'une salle de l'espace dan tian

Privatize the place

For a special and delightful experience

In the program:

* Tasting of the tea or herbal of the moment

* Massage: 20min per person
~head, back, face or foot reflexology~

1 hour
from 2 to 6 people

from 100 €

An event to celebrate, a dedicated break with colleagues. In truth all occasions are good for taking care of yourself! Trust us!

Logo Dan Tian

8ter rue Affre, 75018 Paris

09 50 09 11 25

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  • Instagram - Black Circle

Sur réservation du

lundi au dimanche

entre 10h et 21h

Espace Dån Tiån 2020 - All rights reserved

Graphics: Marion Duquenoÿ - Photographs: Aline Deschamps ,  David Trujillo,  Yannis Séféroglou, Dominique Brunet.

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