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Dån Tiån 
listens to your body

Dån Tiån qu'est ce que c'est ?

Dan tian or tan tien comes from Chinese medicine. It means "Ocean of energy" and corresponds to the center of gravity of the body.
This term belongs to the fields of massage, dance and martial arts.
It is one of the energy centers we all have.
The dan tian is considered to be the center of instinctive and intuitive life, and our physiological and psychological functions depend on it.
It also corresponds to the second chakra, called "the Seat of the Self".

Yoga vinyasa

"If you know what you're doing,
you will do whatever you want."

Moshe feldenkrais

Photo du logo dan tian

The place

"The Dån Tiån project is the co-construction of a collective space shared by complementary professionals in well-being practices.

The point is to devote a special time to what you are going through, in order to move forward relaxed and grow from your experiences."

We offer traditional Thai massage, and also oil and pregnancy massages, or else Thai reflexology. You will also find courses and other practices such as sophrology, and various wellness workshops (body painting, talking circles... -- see our agenda).
Our place is located in La Goutte d'Or, in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, more precisely rue Affre, near the church and the Saint Bernard square.

This popular and complex district is rich of an intersection of realities, cultures, associative movements and the inhabitants or passers-by compose it.

This is where we invite you to take care of yourself.

Associate therapists

Maud Chauvin-Brunet

Maud Chauvin-Brunet

Founder of Dån Tiån, masseuse. She also animates
body mobility workshops and parent-baby massage

A masseuse for eight years, Maud has specialized in traditional Thai and oil massages. Trained mainly at the OstéoThaï College in France with David Lutt, then in Thailand in Chiang Mai and in Greece, she has a holistic approach to wellness treatments.
Her massages address the whole person -- the physical body and the other levels (energetic, emotional) in order to facilitate letting go (nervous and muscular tensions, lack of circulation ...).

Do Brunet


Dominique has long been a professional dancer, her deeply refined relationship to the very body allows her to approach Caycedian Sophrology in a unique way. Do' has several specialties in this practice: Women with the wish for a child & preparation to maternity, dancers and sportsmen, getting along with cancer,  pain, sleep ...

Sam Dupuy
Marinette Deweirder

Maieusthesia practitioner

Emeline is quiet and meticulous. Her journey through the practices of the body gives her a unique approach to support you in your healing processes.  Emeline first comes from dance, then she studied somatic education (Body-Mind Centering®), the integration of reflexes, non-violent communication and meditation. Her approach integrates the bodily, emotional and existential dimensions.


Do Brunet


Dominique has long been a professional dancer, her deeply refined relationship to the very body allows her to approach Caycedian Sophrology in a unique way. Do' has several specialties in this practice: Women with the wish for a child & preparation to maternity, dancers and sportsmen, getting along with cancer,  pain, sleep ...

Do sophrologue praticienne reiki espace dan tian paris-18e_edited_edited.jpg

Lucila Sol

Practitioner in traditional Thai massage and Thai reflexology

Lucila's wealth of experience is rich of several bodywork approaches: classical, modern and contemporary dances, stretching methods, boxing, Pilates, yoga and somatic pedagogies such as eutony and Feldenkrais.

"These practices lead us to strengthen our sense of oneness and the closeness that exists between bodily practices and healing or rehabilitation processes."

In 2016, she studied Thai massage and traditional reflexology, thus deepening her philosophy and her work as a therapist.

Lucila sol
Naomi Jean-Louis

Emeline seyer

Maieusthesia practitioner

Emeline is quiet and meticulous. Her journey through the practices of the body gives her a unique approach to support you in your healing processes.  Emeline first comes from dance, then she studied somatic education (Body-Mind Centering®), the integration of reflexes, non-violent communication and meditation. Her approach integrates the bodily, emotional and existential dimensions.

Do Brunet


Dominique has long been a professional dancer, her deeply refined relationship to the very body allows her to approach Caycedian Sophrology in a unique way. Do' has several specialties in this practice: Women with the wish for a child & preparation to maternity, dancers and sportsmen, getting along with cancer,  pain, sleep ...

Photo de mains qui massent
Chloé Chevaleyre

Praticienne en massage thaïlandais traditionnel

Formée au massage thaïlandais en 2011 en Thaïlande à ITM School, Chloé continue ses recherches autour du corps avec son approche en tant que danseuse et en travail énergétique par le biais du reiki. Elle continue de se former en osteo thaï auprès de David Lutt.
Sa manière d'envisager le massage est multiple: une approche globale du corps qui prend en compte aussi bien la structure, que les fascias ou une approche plus énergétique et émotionnelle.

Aussi danseuse et chanteuse Chloé est nourrit par plusieurs arts.

Chloé Chevaleyre qui masse

Professeur.e.s de yoga

Marie-Noëlle Martial

Ayurvedic massage practitioner

Homme assis en tailleur souriant

Trained in Ayurvedic massage in Paris in 2016, Marie-Noëlle forges her practice and her touch by listening to each body, so as to provide physical and emotional relief. Also a singer, she can accompany her treatments with breathing and singing to optimize the release of tensions.

"Physical well-being is the ground of our balance. The body is a compass that guides us through our needs. When we relax the body, we release an energy we can then use more harmoniously in our daily life."

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Marie-Noëlle Martial

Ayurvedic massage practitioner

Femme assise en tailleur, une main au dessus de l'autre les yeux fermés

Trained in Ayurvedic massage in Paris in 2016, Marie-Noëlle forges her practice and her touch by listening to each body, so as to provide physical and emotional relief. Also a singer, she can accompany her treatments with breathing and singing to optimize the release of tensions.

"Physical well-being is the ground of our balance. The body is a compass that guides us through our needs. When we relax the body, we release an energy we can then use more harmoniously in our daily life."

Jeanne Beaucamp

Professeure de Yoga

J’ai rencontré le yoga à mon arrivée à Paris, un peu par hasard. Cela a été pour moi une vraie révélation, un moyen de créer de l’espace à l’intérieur pour mieux respirer, de renforcer mon corps, d’avoir conscience de mes ressentis et d’être à l’écoute de mes émotions pour mieux les accueillir. C’est devenu un outil précieux pour créer une communication vertueuse entre mon corps et mon esprit. Mon expérience du yoga, qui se limitait d’abord à la pratique des asanas, s’est peu à peu approfondie et s’est étendue à divers aspects de mon quotidien, influençant finalement tout mon mode de vie.

Après des années d’exploration auprès de divers professeur.e.s, de stages intensifs, de retraites de méditation, j’ai décidé de me former à l’enseignement afin de transmettre cette pratique qui m’apporte tant. Lors d’un stage avec Stéphanie Viu-Kessler en 2019, je trouve enfin une approche de la discipline qui me correspond complètement et je décide donc de me former à ses côtés l’année suivante.

J’enseigne aujourd’hui le yoga vinyasa (inspiré de l’ashtanga), le hatha et le yin. Je continue à me former régulièrement, pour ouvrir et questionner mes apprentissages, évoluer dans ma pratique et ma manière de transmettre. J’ai découvert la sophrologie et les bénéfices de ses techniques, très complémentaires de celles du yoga, que je transmets aussi lors d’accompagnements en sophrologie.

Je suis de nature calme et paisible, rigoureuse et à l’écoute. Mon tempérament se retrouve dans ma manière de transmettre : je vous accompagne avec douceur et précision et je propose une pratique évolutive, accessible à chacun.e.

Femme en posture de yoga
Logo Dan Tian

8ter rue Affre, 75018 Paris



09 50 09 11 25

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Sur réservation du

lundi au dimanche

entre 10h et 21h

Espace Dån Tiån 2020 - All rights reserved

Graphics: Marion Duquenoÿ - Photographs: Aline Deschamps ,  David Trujillo,  Yannis Séféroglou, Dominique Brunet.

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